Category: Education

  • ITI Khekra Signed MOU with ShramIN Jobs

    ITI Khekra Signed MOU with ShramIN Jobs

    ITI Khekra Signed MOU with ShramIN Jobs for placement support : Every year, India deals with severe unemployment problem. This year our unemployment rate has increased to 8%. In contrast, it is still difficult for employers or recruiters to find trained workforce for their company. Specifically, if we talk about the Indian skilled labour force,…

  • Best Job Portal To Find ITI Jobs In Delhi

    Best Job Portal To Find ITI Jobs In Delhi

    Best Job Portal To Find ITI Jobs In Delhi Date: 14/10/2022 Remember when candidates walked around with copies of their resumes at company receptions in the hopes of getting a job? Those days, however, are long gone. There are numerous job search sites for jobs in Delhi where companies and recruiters post job openings using…

  • Top Electrical Vehicle Courses For Getting a Job

    Top Electrical Vehicle Courses For Getting a Job

    Date : 06/10/2022 Top Electrical Vehicle Courses For Getting a Job Transcript: The Electrical Vehicles industry is going to create new jobs in crores, not in lakhs. The demand for Skilled Manpower is increasing due to the revolution of Electrical Vehicle in the automobile industry. Still, now the question arises how can one get a…

  • Electrician Job in Automotive Industry

    Electrician Job in Automotive Industry

    Date: 23-09-2022 Electrician Job in Automotive industry: Transcript: भारत सरकार के कौशल विकास मंत्रालय के अनुसार automotive industry भारत में कम से कम 1 करोड़ रोज़गार युवाओं के लिए पैदा करने जा रहा है। यह हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था का एक बहुत तेजी से बढ़ने वाला सेक्टर है, जिसमे हर साल करीब 2 करोड़ से अधिक वाहनों…

  • Agniveer Scheme: Jobs for ITI and Diploma passouts in the Indian Army

    Agniveer Scheme: Jobs for ITI and Diploma passouts in the Indian Army

    Agniveer Scheme: Jobs for ITI and Diploma passouts in the Indian Army Date: 22/09/2022 The ‘Agneepath’ scheme is in the news a lot for a few days, but do you know that this scheme is a big step towards success even for ITI or Diploma pass outs? If you are ITI or Diploma pass out…

  • Jobs in Engineering Goods Industry

    Jobs in Engineering Goods Industry

    Date : 21/09/2022 Jobs in Engineering Goods Industry: Do you know which cities have the highest chance of getting a job in the engineering industry? And which trade is in high demand? Today we will talk about the Engineering Goods category included in the One District One Product Scheme of the Government of India and…

  • How to take advantage of E-Shram Card?

    How to take advantage of E-Shram Card?

    Date : 21/09/2022 How to take advantage of E-Shram Card? Transcript: Are you worried about your employment and financial situation after the lockdown caused by the Corona pandemic? If such a disaster happens again somewhere, how will you and your family be able to handle yourself? So, friends, the government has issued a great solution,…