DGT ने लांच की नई ITI ट्रेड MEV | Admission | ITI Job |
DGT ने लांच की नई ITI ट्रेड MEV | Admission | ITI Job | Salary | EV आज कल हमें अपने आस पास ढेरों Electric Vehicles देखने को मिलते हैं फिर वो टू व्हीलर हो या फोर व्हीलर. अब EV की डिमांड बढ़ रही है तो EV टेक्नीशियन की भी डिमांड होगी. तो आपको बता…
Top Electrical Vehicle Courses For Getting a Job
Date : 06/10/2022 Top Electrical Vehicle Courses For Getting a Job Transcript: The Electrical Vehicles industry is going to create new jobs in crores, not in lakhs. The demand for Skilled Manpower is increasing due to the revolution of Electrical Vehicle in the automobile industry. Still, now the question arises how can one get a…
EV India 2022 Expo
Date : 16/09/2022 EV India 2022 Expo : ShramIN Team visited EV India 2022 Expo Electric Motor Vehicle Show in Greater Noida, UP, India.
EV Industry and Related Career Opportunities
Date : 14/06/2022 EV Industry and Related Career Opportunities Agar Niti Aayog ki maane toh 2030 tak EV industry Bharat mai lagbhag 1 crore naye rozgaar paida karne jaa rahi hai. Electric Vehicle ki yeh leher skilled aur unskilled workers ke liye jaise umeed ki nai kiran lekar aayi hai. Yeh baat sunne mein achi…
Best Electric Vehicle Courses for Getting a Job
Date : 14/06/2022 Best Electric Vehicle Courses for Getting a Job : Transcript : लाखों में नहीं करोड़ो में नई नौकरियाँ पैदा करने जा रही है इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल (Electrical vehicle) इंडस्ट्री भारत में। ऑटोमोबाइल इंडस्ट्री में electric vehicle की क्रांति से skilled manpower की demand बढ़ती जा रही है पर अब प्रश्न यह उठता है…
Future of Electrical Vehicle in India
Currently, India emits around 3.5 billion tons of carbon every year. But in the 26th Conference of Parties (CoP26), the Indian government has set a target to reduce carbon emission by 1 billion tons by 2030. Carbon intensity will reduce to less than 45% by 2030 and targets to achieve net-zero by 2070. And the…
Employment opportunities in Indian Electric Vehicle Sector
In the last few years, India’s mobility sector has seen a shift towards electric vehicles. Looking at the adversity of climate change and excessive carbon emission, across the globe, countries are moving towards electric mobility. And India is no other, it is also showing a keen interest in this automotive paradigm shift. The central government…