Tag: iti admission

  • ITI Delhi Admission 2023 पूरी जानकारी

    ITI Delhi Admission 2023 पूरी जानकारी

    ITI Delhi Admission 2023 पूरी जानकारी Date – 06-07-2023 Transcript:- ITI Delhi Admission 2023 की शुरुआत 5 जून से हो चुकी है। आईटीआई एडमिशन से जुड़े बहुत सारे सवाल आपके दिमाग में ज़रूर होंगे जैसे आईटीआई में कौन एडमिशन ले सकता है ? दिल्ली आईटीआई में कौन से ट्रेड्स में एडमिशन लिया जा सकता है…

  • Best Government ITI Admission Websites in India

    Best Government ITI Admission Websites in India

    Best Government ITI Admission Websites in India Date – 07-04-2023 The Indian government has established schools called ITIs that provide professional training in various fields, such as hardware and mechanical engineering. The education they provide is of high quality and affordable. Moreover, the courses offered by ITIs are recognized by both government organizations and private…